60/60 Club

Club Objectives

  • To hone the students excellence in their Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing skills.
  • To inculcate a passion for English language among students and also to enhance their literary skills.
  • To serve as a platform for a student group of 60 boys and 60 girls exclusively from the Vernacular medium background to improve Communication skills.
  • To encourage student participation in public speaking and events related to communication.


Chairman Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran, Principal, Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College
Convener Dean - Student Affairs
Co-ordinators Dr.A.Kanimozhi,English
Dr.V.Sudharshan, English

Club Activites (2020-21)




Resource Person

1 11.12.2020 Introduction of 60/60 Club K.VishnuGobal
Coordinator 60/60 Club
2 03.06.2021 Important Tool for Communication Mr.Nayagan
JCI Senator Zone Trainer, JCI Erode.
3 02.06.2021. “Importance of Learning Foreign Language” Ms. Vinaya Ann Prakash,
English Language Trainer, Kottayam, Kerala acted
4 08.06.2021 Know your self and Know the World Ms.A.P.Indhuja,
Assistant Professor in English, PKR Arts for Women, Gobichettipalayam
5 09.06.2021 “Essential Skills of Dynamic Presentation: Learn the Art of Public Speaking Ms.Carolin Chris,
Assistant Professor of English, New Horizon College, Bangalore
6 10.06.2021 Importance of reading Skill Mrs.M.k.Priyanka
Assistant Professor in English, Emerald High Heights College, Ooty.

Archive (2019-20)
