NGP Arts NGP Arts

This is Where its Starts...

Refine yourself | Spread your wings | Excel in your skills | Fly in colors

Code of Conduct

  • Punctuality to the classes is a must.
  • The Attendance to the College is compulsory and to maintain minimum attendance prescribed by the College/University to appear for the Internal/Term end/University Examinations.
  • Utmost care to be given to the properties of the College /Hostel during the stay in the College / Hostel.
  • If any damage caused to the properties of the College/Hostel the person responsible for the damage has to replace/meet the damages as instructed by the College/Hostel authorities.
  • The discipline is very important in the College/Hostel and the rules and regulations of the College/Hostel have to be strictly adhered.
  • Should wear the valid Identity Card issued by the College whenever inside the campus and produce the Identity Card on demand by the Security or other Officials.
  • Usage of tobacco / alcohol / drugs are strictly prohibited in the College and Hostel premises and severe action will be initiated on defaulters and dismissed from the College within no time.
  • Discipline and decorum shall be maintained between Girls and Boys in the College premises.
  • Should not involve any agitation/ragging /in-disciplinary activities during the course of study or stay in the hostel.
  • Involving in ragging is a criminal offence and it has been completely prohibited inside/outside the premises. If involved in ragging, as per the Government/UGC guidelines the defaulter will be dismissed from the College/Hostel immediately and a criminal case will be registered.
  • If any deviations in the discipline is found by the College /Hostel authorities, disciplinary action will be initiated based on the intensity of the problem up to dismissal from the College/Hostel.
  • The usage of mobile/cell phones has been completely prohibited in the College campus and if found, the mobile phones will be seized. Simcard only returned immediately and the handsets will be retained and returned at the end of the course.
  • The usage of mobile phones in the Hostel is permitted only within the prescribed time.
  • No political and religious activity & religious attire is permitted inside the campus.

Dress Code

The following are the details of Dress Code:

Male Student
  • Only formal wear is permitted inside the campus.
  • Should wear prescribed uniform to the college
  • Formal pants only permitted and should not wear tight fits/low waist pants/dhoties and other non-formal clothes.
  • Whenever inside the campus tucked-in shirts is a must. No exemption for functions/Examinations or any special occasions.
  • Should wear Black formal shoes only. Shoes with pointed edge/semi formals/sports shoes are not permitted.
  • Should wear Black Belt with formal buckles.
  • Should wear prescribed Uniform to the College.
  • Hair should be shortly cut and face should be cleanly shaven whenever inside the campus.
  • Wearing of Ear rings/Studs/Wrist bands/Rings /Tattoos are not permitted.
Female Student
  • Should wear prescribed uniform to the college
  • Should wear only sarees/salwars to the College on special occasions.
  • Should not wear tight fits/leggings/short tops/any other style of costumes.

Usage of Two-wheelers and Four-wheelers

  • Two wheeler rider should have valid driving license and rider & pillion rider should wear helmet
  • Severe action will be initiated on speedy/rash drivers and carrying more than one pillion rider on two wheelers.
  • Four wheeler users should have valid license and drive within the speed limit.
  • Parking of the vehicles are permitted at the specified parking area.
  • Safety of the vehicle is fully on owners risk and the College will not be held responsible for theft/damage to the vehicle.

College Transport

  • While using the College Transport, should not cause any damage to the properties
  • Boarding is permitted only at the specific boarding point mentioned in the boarding pass.
  • If any change in the boarding/dropping point, it is permitted only after due approval.
  • If any diversion in the traffic/changes in the transport schedule the students will be boarded/dropped at the nearest stations.
  • Should possess valid transport pass issued by the College during the journey and produce on demand


  • The right of admission to the Hostel is reserved by the Management.
  • The rules and regulations of Hostel should be strictly followed.
  • The admission to the Hostel has to be renewed from second year by submitting the prescribed application to the Hostel, on or before the date specified. Late applications will not be entertained.
  • If any deviations in following the rules and regulations of the hostel, permission will not be given to continue to stay in the hostel.
  • Hostellers are not permitted to have Two-wheelers or Four-wheelers for their usage in the campus.
  • The inmates are permitted to vacate the hostel at the end of the academic with due permission from the authorities.

Center for Virtual Learning

Center for Virtual Learning has been established in 2013. Center offering various facilities to students and staff members to inculcate their skills and learning different teaching learning pedagogy. Virtual learning is education that takes place over the online. It is often referred to as “e-learning / online learning” among other terms. E-learning is an evolution in learning process. Individual learners are allowed to access the content at any time and place which promotes flexibility and focused learning. Up skilling is the need of the hour and e-learning can be termed as the best platform to enhance oneself regularly with no fear of time-lacking. Virtual learning technologies has become a constituent of traditional classroom.


  • To make use of the Information Technology in day to day learning.
  • To undergo various free programmes through open source technologies.
  • Center will support to conduct free and paid programmes through E-Learning.
  • Center will conduct Webinars and Video Conferencing lessons for staff and students.
  • To encourage technology enabled learning like Spoken Tutorial, NPTEL etc…




Dr. D. Pradeepa

Faculty of Bio Sciences

Dr. R. Chandrasekar

Faculty of Commerce

Mrs. A. Nirmala

Faculty of Computer Science

Mrs. T. Nithya

Faculty of Management

Mrs. S. Revathi

Faculty of Humanities

Mrs. V. Manimekalai

Faculty of Computer Science


  • NPTEL Local chapter(
  • Swayam(
  • Spoken Tutorial Nodal resource center(
  • Swayam Prabha Channel(
  • Value Virtual Lab(
  • MOOC Courses(Udemy,Coursera.edx,Alision and etc..)
  • Learning Management System(Moodle,Edmodo,Canvas,Google Classroom and etc.,)


The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) was initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003. Five core disciplines were identified, namely, civil engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering and mechanical engineering and 235 courses in web/video format were developed in this phase.

The main goal of NPTEL Phase II (2009-14) was to build on the engineering and core science courses launched previously in NPTEL Phase I. An additional 600 web and video courses were created in all major branches of engineering, physical sciences at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and management courses at the postgraduate level. Several improvements such as indexing of all video and web courses and keyword search were implemented.

Some highlights:

  • Largest online repository in the world of courses in engineering, basic sciences and selected humanities and social sciences subjects
  • Online web portal – more than 471 million+ views
  • Youtube channel for NPTEL – most subscribed educational channel, 1.5 million+ channel subscribers, 404 million+ views
  • More than 56000 hours of video content
  • Most accessed library of peer-reviewed educational content in the world
  • 52000+ hours of transcribed content; 51000+ hours of subtitled videos


  • 92 nd postion in NPTEL Local chapter among 3500 colleges in 2019
  • Active local Chapter from 2016 onwards
  • NPTEL Certification in compulsory for all the Second year UG & PG Students
  • NPTEL Certification in mandatory for all the staff members
  • NPTEL Online Examination Center

Spoken Tutorial

The Spoken Tutorial project is the initiative of the "Talk to a Teacher" project of the National Mission on Education through Information Communication through Technology, launched by MHRD, Govt of India.

Spoken Tutorials project aims to create spoken tutorials which teach FOSS in many Indian languages. The idea is to teach software(s) in a language that the learner is comfortable in.

Spoken Tutorial @ DRNGPASC

  • Dr.NGP ASC is Nodal Resource Center for Spoken Tutorial
  • 25,000+ certificates received from Spoken Tutorial
  • Online FDP were organized through Spoken Tutorial
  • Spoken Tutorial is mandatory for all the first year students
  • One Spoken Tutorial FDP is mandatory for all the staff members

ICT Tools

Tools used in the teaching-learning process are listed below

  • NPTEL Videos
  • Spoken Tutorial Video
  • Value Virtual Lab
  • Licensed software’s (SPSS, MATLAB etc)
  • Open Source Software (Libra Office,Scilab, Latex)
  • Canvas LMS
Read More

IT Infrastructure

The state-of-the art in campus network with 1 Gbps fiber-optic backbone connectivity is equipped to all the blocks of our institution and as well in hostel buildings to access the Internet and Intranet applications. 17 Computer Laboratories are well-equipped with licensed software for academic and administrative needs. 100 Mbps Internet connectivity is available 24x7 through multiple service providers through leased lines.

ICT Facilities:

  • Standalone Language Lab is equipped with Audio-Video gadgets to improve the English communication skills of students.
  • Higher-End servers are equipped with ERP Software to automation of academic, administrative and online examination process.
  • ICT enabled class rooms are provided to the students to enrich the teaching-learning methodology.
  • Secure Wi-Fi facility is provided to the students and staff to fulfil their academic and research needs.
  • Firewall and Antivirus Software are installed in campus to prevent unauthorized access from the outside network.
  • CCTV surveillance camera is equipped in all computer laboratories and a few important areas in the campus.
  • Live webcast of important Institutional events and ceremonies are also done in the college.
  • Power backup has been provided to IT Peripherals through sufficient UPS and Generators to avoid power interruptions.
  • Dedicated helpdesk team of 20 technical staff is available for troubleshooting ICT related issues.
  • The college has a tie-up with leading assessment skill companies like TCS, Sify and Merittrac to conduct their online examinations and placement assessment exams for our students.


About Central Library

Central Library plays a vital role in furthering the academic and research mission and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge. The library is newly expanded with an extensive area of 36400 sq ft. in D1-block and can accommodate about 500 students at a time. The library is furnished with appropriate ventilation, lighting, and fans.

Central Library manages knowledge, both in print and digital formats, Beside holding an excellent print collection of over 49536 volumes of books, more than 5160 Back volumes, 260 journals and 4050 Project Reports/Thesis, it also provides access to over 1,95,809+ electronic books, 6,293+ electronic journals and databases in Biosciences, Computer technology, social sciences and management. The Central Library is fully automated and photocopying facility is also available inside the library. Library also having Wi Fi facility. The library made a significant progress during the year.

Library Collection

Collection building is one of the important functions of the library that supports academic and research work of the students, faculty, staff and other users. Library collection comprising of books, journals, theses, reports, and other reading material in science, Computer technology, Commerce and management and is its greatest asset. Special care was taken to neatly maintain the library stacks to facilitate users to locate the desired document quickly.

S. No




Books available



E - Books available

1, 95,809+





Bound Volumes of Journals



Project Report



e-Journals - Subscription



ScienceDirect &



Financial Database

ProwessIQ - CMIE


Plagiarism and AI writing detection

Turnitin – With Remote Access

Sharing of Resource

The library maintains excellent relations with UGC InfoNet - Digital Library Consortium (N-LIST). So our staff and student community may use ILL services to obtain articles not owned by the central library.

Users Education

Users' education is an important regular activity of the library to inform, alert, educate and train users about various resources and services of the library. In addition to orientation programmes organized for new students, The College Hand Book & Calendar "Library Rules and Regulation" continues to be a popular medium to give detailed information about activities and services of the library.

Library Services: Reference, Consultation & Circulation

Circulation service helps users to make full use of library resources and services. It provides necessary assistance to users in locating information or document of their choice. It is open from 08.00 AM to 08.00 PM hrs on all working days and from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM hrs on Saturdays.

Rules and Regulations

The library rules and regulations are introduced to regularize the use of the library resources and will be reviewed periodically to meet the changing needs.

General Rules

  • Students/staff shall swipe their Library card in the card reader while entering and leaving the library.
  • Personal belongings should be left on the rack provided at the entrance of the library.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in the library.
  • The library will function from 8.00 am - 8.00 pm
  • Book return time: 8.00 am - 12.00 pm
  • Book Issue time: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
  • The library will be closed on Sundays and other government holidays.
  • The library is fully computerized and has the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) Facility.
  • Except loose sheets and money purse, personal belongings, and library books already issued will not be allowed inside the library.
  • Severe disciplinary action will be taken against the users who are found misusing the library services.
  • Students must return their books at the end of the academic year and obtain a NO DUE certificate from the librarian.
  • Usage of cell phone is prohibited inside the library.
  • Library books are the nation's assets and they belong to all. All users are requested to protect library books against wanton and willful damages, mutilation, theft and other malpractice.
Dr. M. Muthukrishnan
B.Sc., MLIS., M Phil., Ph.D.


Teaching: 20 Years


Scientometrics, Citation Analysis

View Profile
Library Assistant


14 Years


Library Assistant
M.A., M.Phil


5 Years

Sports and Games



The Department of Physical Education aims to become an Academy for Sports and Games by producing Sports Men of both National and International Caliber.


The Mission of our Department is to impart Physical and Mental Strength to all the Students of our College through Quality infrastructure in Sports and Games and being a platform for enhancing the personality through Participation in Recreation, Intramural and Extramural.

Activities & Achievements (2023 - 24)

S.No. Date Detail Event Venue Result


17- Jul-23 to 20-Jul-23

Yuva Series Kabaddi Summer Edition 2023

Kabaddi Men

Chanmundi Vihar Indore Stadium, Mysore

Third Place

K. Ajai Nandha, I M.Com


01-Jul-23 to 04-Jul-23

Chief Minister Trophy State level Kabaddi Tournament

Kabaddi Men

Nehru Stadium, Chennai


S. Rajavel, I B.Com IB


J. Sanjay SAI, I B.Com IB


01-Jul-23 to 04-Jul-23

Chief Minister Trophy State level Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Men

Nehru Stadium, Chennai


1. M. Jeeva Jayanth, I B.Com IB

2. E. Rao Kumaran, I BA English

Third Place

S. Sri Vignesh, I B.Com BPS

Fourth Place

K. Ganesh RAJA, I.B.Com CS CA


06- Jul-23 to 09-Jul-23

Chief Minister Trophy State level Kabaddi Tournament

Kabaddi Men

Nehru Stadium, Chennai


1. A. Prakash, I M.Com CA

2. V. Hariharasudhan, III B.Com IB


07-Jul-23 to 08-Jul-23

5th Junior &Senior District Level Athletics Championship

Athletics Men

Pioneer Institution, Coimbatore

K.S. Sree Nigesh, I B.Com B & I

5000mts Gold Medal

1500mts Silver medal


12-Jul-23 to 14-Jul-23

Chief Minister Trophy State level Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Men

Nehru Stadium, Chennai


1. M. Soosai Snowson, II M.Sc H & A

2. J. Aswin Kumar, II M.Sc H & A

3. Jagadeepan, II M.Com IB

4. R. Mani Kandan I B.Com CS CA


1- Aug-23 to 3-Aug-23

34th State level Don Bosco Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Men

Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur

Third Place


5-Aug-23 to 6-Aug-23

11th State level kabaddi Tournament

Kabaddi Men


Third Place


11-Aug-23 to 13-Aug-23

State level Invitation Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Men


Fourth Place


12-Aug-23 to 15-Aug-23

State Level Volleyball Championship for Boys

Volleyball Men

VSA Group, Institution


1. M. Jeeva Jayanth , I B.Com IB


14-Aug-23 to 15-Aug-23

State level Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Men


Second Place


14-Aug-23 to 15-Aug-23

District level Kabaddi Tournament

Kabaddi Men

Kaikolpalayam, Coimbatore

Third Place



Coimbatore District Level Red Run Marathon

Athletics Men

Nehru Stadium, Coimbatore

5 km Marathon

1.P. Jeba Kumar, I M.A H&A - Gold Medal

2. C. Pradeep Roshan, III B.Com B & I - Silver Medal

3. V. Naveen Prabhu, I M.A English - Fourth Place

4. K.S. Sree Nigesh, I B.Com B & I - Fifth Place

5. K. Akash, III B.Com A&T - Sixth Place


04-Sep-23 & 05-Sep-23

62th Coimbatore District Junior Athletics Championship 2023

Athletics Men &Women

Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

1. K.S. Sree Nigesh, I B.Com B & I

1500 mts GOLD

5000mts GOLD

2. M. Prasanth, I B.Com IB

400mts Hurdles GOLD

U-20 Mixed Realy GOLD

3. M. Shafna Sherin, II B.Com Finance

1500mts BRONZE

4. R. Sastika DevI, II B.Com Finance

100mts BRONZE

5. S.C. Vaibhavan, I B.Com Finance

400 mts GOLD

800 mts GOLD

6. M. Vetri Selvam, I B.Sc CS DA


7. S. Gurudeep, I B.Com B & I

400mts Hurdles GOLD

8. S.Sanjay, I B.Com CS CA

800mts GOLD

9. R. Reethish, I B.Com B & I

1500mts GOLD


12-Sep-23 & 13-Sep-23

District level Intercollegiate Basketball tournament

Basketball Men

SNS Rajalakshmi college, Arts and Science

Fourth Place


14-Sep-23 to 17-Sep-23

37th State level Junior Athletics Championship 2023

Athletics Men

KSR Educational Institutions, Tiruchengode, Namakkal

1. T. Bharanitharran, II B.Com CS CA

Discus throw GOLD

2. P. Rishikesh, I B.Com IB

Walking Race GOLD

3. S. Sanjay, I B.Com CS CA

1500mts SILVER

4. R. Dhanush, II B.A English

Walking Race BRONZE

5. S. Gurudeep, I B.Com B & I

400mts hurdles BRONZE



Coimbatore District Volleyball Championship

Volleyball Men

SNS Engineering College, Coimbatore

Second Place



Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Tournament

Cross Country Men

Sri Vasavi College, Erode

1. P. Jeba Kumar, I M.A H&A Second Place

2. V. Naveen Prabhu, I M.A English Third Place

3. C. Pradeep Roshan, III B.Com B & I Fourth Place

4. K.S. Sree Nigesh, I B.Com B & I Fifth Place

5. K. Akash, III B.Com A&T Seventh Place



Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Tournament

Cross Country Women

Sri Vasavi College, Erode

1. S. Sowmya, I MSW Second Place

2. M. Shafna Sherin, II B.Com Finance Fourth Place



Red Run State Level Marathon



P. Jeba Kumar, I M.A H&A Second Place


26-Sep-23 to 10-Oct-23

Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Tournament

Cricket Men

Sankara College, Arts and Commerce, Coimbatore

Third Place



District Level Aringar Anna Marathon Run



1. M. Shafna Sherin, II B.Com Fin.- First Place

2. K.S. Sree Nigesh, I B.Com B&I - Third Place


09-Oct-23 & 10-Oct-23

Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Volleyball A zone Tournament

Volleyball Men

Kongunadu Arts and science College



11-Oct-23 to 13-Oct-23

Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament

Basketball Men

PSG College, Arts and Science

Third Place


15-Oct-23 to 17-Oct-23

34th South zone Junior Athletics Championship 2023

Athletics Men

Warangal, Telugana

1. T. Bharanitharran, II B.Com CS CA

Discus throw Bronze

2. S. Sanjay, I B.Com CS CA

1500mts Bronze



Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Swimming Championship

Swimming Women

Bharathiar University

S. Thrisha, III BCA

Silver Medals in 50Mts Butterfly &

200 Mts Individual Medley


19-Oct-23 & 20-Oct-23

Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Kabaddi A zone Tournament

Kabaddi Men

SRMV College, Arts and Science, Coimbatore



19-Oct-23 to 21-Nov-23

State Level Cycling Championship

Cycling Men


B. Kesavaraj II B.Com

Gold Medal


31-Oct-23 & 01-Nov-23

Bharathiar University Intercollegiate Kabaddi Inter zone Tournament

Kabaddi Men

Bharathiar University



9-Nov-23 to 12-Nov-23

South Zone inter University Kabaddi Men Tournament

Kabaddi Men

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada


1. A. Prakash, IM.Com CA

2. T. Bhuvaneshwaran, I M.Com CS

3. K. Ajai Nandha, I M.Com


13-Nov-23 to 18-Nov-23

South Zone inter University Basketball Men Tournament

Basketball Men

Thiruvanathapuram University, Kerala


1. B. Deepak, I M.Com IB

2. R. Sathish, III B.Sc Cs


07-Nov-23 to 10-Nov-23

38th National Junior Athletics Championship

Athletics Men

Nehru Stadium, Coimbatore


1. T. Bharanitharran, II B.Com CS CA

Discus throw

2. S. Sanjay, I B.Com CS CA




Open State Level Championship 2023

Power Lifting Men

BI Fitness, Coimbatore

S. Sasi Dharan II B.Sc CS - First Place

Archive (2015-23)

Outdoor Sports Facilities

Totally outdoor sports fields have 5.7acres for playing arena.



Nos. of courts



Standard 400Mts Track and Field

Its Include

8 lane running track

§  Throwing Events

Shot put sector

Discus throw sector

Hammer throw sector

§  Jumping Events

Long jump pit

Triple jump pit


4.5 acre


Football field


Length 120 mts

Width 90 mts


Hockey field


Length 100 mts

Width 60 mts


Basketball Court 


Length 40 mts

Width 20 mts


Kho – kho court


Length 40 mts

Width 20 mts


Kabaddi Court


Length 20 mts

Width15 mts


Volleyball Court 


Length 40 mts

Width 20 mts

Throw ball Court 


Length 40 mts

Width 20 mts


Ball Badminton Court


Length 25 mts

Width 10 mts


Tennikoit Court


Length 15 mts

Width 10 mts

Indoor Sports Facilities

Totally indoor sports fields have 6000Sq.ft. for playing arena



Nos. of courts



Badminton court


1500 Sq.ft


Table Tennis Board 


1500 Sq.ft


Chess Board



Carrom Board


Sports Gallery

Fitness Center


The college has a seperate Fitness Center for Boys&Girls with 1200 Sq.ft. It provides the latest exercise equipments which includes Cardio training and Weight Training. The working hours are 6.00 AM to 8.00 AM in the morning and 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM in the evening.

Fitness Centre

We have separate fitness center for both boys and girls



Nos. of Centre 



Fitness centre for boys


1500 Sq.ft


Fitness centre for girls


750 Sq.ft

Fitness centre for boys



Number of station


Treat mill






Seated Rowing



Cross over  machine



Leg press



Leg curl



Bench press



Leg extension



Shoulder press



Arm curl



Inner thigh press



Outer thigh press






Abdominal curl



Abdominal press



Chest Press



Chest curl



Rowing machine



Weight plates 250 kg



Weight rod  2kg



Dummbles  75kg



Medicine Ball



Olympic Bar


Fitness centre for girls



Number of station


Treat mill









Leg press



Leg curl



Leg extension



Shoulder press



Inner thigh press



Outer thigh press






Abdominal curl



Abdominal press



Chest curl



Rowing machine



Dummbles  25kg



Excellent Transportation is one of the special features of our institution. We have a total of 30 Buses Running to all the parts of the Coimbatore and surrounding areas.


Transport Incharge

Mr.J.Thirumalai Rajan - 0422 2369209 / +91 88254 57940

Transport Manager

Mr.P.Jayakumar - 0422 2369318

Club Objectives


There are many benefits to being involved in student clubs and organizations. Being a part of a group offers assistance with the following: career enhancement, communication skills, leadership skills, social networking, social skills, personality development, organizational and management skills, build resume, long lasting friendship and more. We have classified the clubs into three categories.

Club categories

Activities (2024-25)

Rotaract Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 07-Oct-24 Uravuku Uyir Koduppom Dr.Swathanthira Devi, MD (Acupuncture) , Mr.A.Rathinaswamy, Founder & Chief Mentor, MIDNA Global
2 21-Sep-24 Rota Quiz Ms.Avismiga.S , Quiz Master
3 04-Aug-24 STEP UP Rtn.Ramasamy, Assistant Governor, Rotary International District 3201
4 06-Aug-24 Blood Donation Camp PMJF Lion R.Karanaboopathy
PDG , Chairman - Blood Bank , LCI District 324B1 Charitable Trust
5 15-Aug-24 78th Independence Day Celebrattion Kalvi Saalai 2.0 Mr.Kathirvelswami , ward 4 Councilor, Saravanampatti
6 17-Aug-24 THE UNSTOPPABLE YOU PP.S.Vidhya Selvaraj , I M.Sc FOOD Science Nutrition DRNGPASC
7 29-Jul-24 Orientation Programmme Rtn. VK Vijay Vignesh
District Soft Skill Trainer, Associate Software Engineer, Chennai

Coders and Hackers Club

S. No. Date Event Resource Person
1 05-Oct-24 Scramble & Script Club Coordinator
2 13-Sep-24 Problem solving in coding: Thinking Outside the Box Ms.Rajashree Devaraj B.E.,
Software Developer, Conde Nast Technology Lab, Bangalore
3 05-Sep-24 Escape Room - The Ultimate Puzzle Challenge Club Coordinator
4 28-Aug-24 Smart India Hackathon 2024 Mr.N.Vasanth , Chief Technology Officer , Pinesphere Solutions , Coimbatore
5 17-Aug-24 Igniting Innovation - A Startup Spark Mr.Arun Prasaath, Entrepreneur, Stealth Startup, Coimbatore
6 20-Jul-24 Hack the Future Mr.M.Selva Vignesh, IIPC Co ordinator, DRNGPASC, Coimbatore
7 22-Jun-24 Club Orientation Club Coordinator

Commerce Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 05-Oct-24 Pan Card Camp Club Coordinator
2 21-Sep-24 Recent Development under GST Regime Mr.Kumar.V , Superintendent of GST and Central Excise , Coimbatore
3 17-Aug-24 Entrepreneurship Skill development among Students Dr.K.Rajathi , Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry
4 20-Jul-24 Case Study Analysis Prof.Dr.K.Ramamurthi , Director , DRNGPASC

Yuva Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 07-Aug-24 Career in Defence Commander Aravindhan (Retd)
2 24-Jul-24 Road safety workshop on Accident-First Responder Mr. D. Chandrasekar
Emergency Management and Research institute, Coimbatore

Child Protection Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 20-Jul-24 Orientation function on Child Rights Protection Mr. Sri Venkatesan
I MSW Student, Teacher – Child Rights Protection Centre, Don Bosco Anbu Illam, Coimbatore.
2 09-Jul-24 Inauguration function of the Child Protection Club Dr. N. Shanmugavadivu
Assistant professor – Social Work, Nodal officer – Child Protection Club, Bharathiar university, Coimbatore

Eco Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 06-Dec-24 Palm Seed Plantation Club Coordinator
2 29-Aug-24 E-Waste Campaign Club Coordinator
3 09-Aug-24 Seed Ball Making Campaign Club Coordinator
4 26-Jul-24 Efilympics – Plogging (Cleanup and Jogging) Selva Chinthamani Kulam, Coimbatore
5 23-Jul-24 Herbal Garden Establishment Corporation Girls Hr. Sec. School, Ranganathapuram, Coimbatore
6 20-Jul-24 Invited Lecture – Environmental Conservation Mr. S. Siva Babu
Project Coordinator, Activation Team, Environmentalist Foundation of India
7 20-Jul-24 Invited Lecture – Water Conservation for Sustainable Future Mr. R. Manikandan
National Water Warrior Awardee, Founder – Kovai Kulangal Pathukappu Amaippu (NGO), Coimbatore
8 05-Jun-24 World Environment day - Awareness Programme on Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience Prof.Dr.K.Ramamurthi , Director , DRNGPASC

Kambar Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 21-Sep-24 Vivatha Medai Prof.Dr.K.Ramamurthi , Director , DRNGPASC
2 17-Aug-24 Kalandhuraiyadal Prof.Dr.K.Ramamurthi , Director , DRNGPASC
3 20-Jul-24 Maanavar Thiranarithal Prof.Dr.K.Ramamurthi , Director , DRNGPASC

Youth Red Cross

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 20-Jul-24 Drug awareness programme – Impact of tobacco and drug abuse Mr. K. Murali Krishna
Social Worker, District Tobacco Control Cell, Department of Public health, Coimbatore

Music Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 20-Jul-24 Lyrical Leisure Club Coordinator

Red Ribbon Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 01-Oct-24 Drug Abuse Awareness Mr.Ravi Prakash Duraisamy, Co - Founder, Compassact
2 21-Sep-24 HIV/AIDS Awarness Mr.A.Suresh
NSS Program Officer, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Bishop Ambrose College , Coimbatore
3 06-Aug-24 Elocution Competition on Voting Rights Prof.Dr.K.Ramamurthi , Director , DRNGPASC
4 20-Jul-24 Guest lecture on Donate Blood Save Life Dr. T. Satgurunathan
NSS Program Officer, RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur

Drama Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 16-Aug-24 A Musical Play Unveiling the Perils of Ragging Club Coordinator-
2 30-Jul-24 Celebrating Shakespeare - The Timeless Wisdom Club Coordinator

Uyir Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 13-Aug-24 Awareness Programme on Read the Road Thiru.L.Kanaga Subramani, Resource Person - UYIR

Wellness Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 21-Sep-24 Nutrition for Everyday Dr.Meera Raman, Dean BAS & Bioscience , DRNGPASC
2 30-Aug-24 Observation of National Deworming day Dr.K.Ramamurthi
Director, Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College
3 17-Aug-24 Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Ms.Rakshitha Prabhakaran
Dietician, GEM Hospital

Elangovadigal Tamil Mandram

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 23-Jul-24 Drawing Competition, Essay Competition -
2 05-Jul-24 Tamil Kaapiyangal Dr. Anand R Head, Dept. of Tamil, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidhyala Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Consumer Club

S. No. Date Title Resource Person
1 21-Sep-24 CAMP on E – FSSAI Registration and Licensing Club Coordinator
2 30-Aug-24 E – FSSAI Registration and Licensing Club Coordinator
3 17-Aug-24 Extension activity on Survey on FSSAI Licence Holder Tamil Nadu Food Safety & Drug Admin Dept. Coimbatore Dt
4 20-Jul-24 Workshop on Identifying Food Adulteration Mrs. Shamalabanu
Research Scholar, RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur

Club Policies and Guidelines


All the students of Dr N.G.P. Arts and science College are eligible and Membership is available to all students

Establishing a New Club

Registering a new club with the Student Affairs Department occurs during beginning of academic year

  • Contact Student Affairs Department to get an Application for Club Recognition Form.
  • Recruit a minimum of five currently enrolled students Select a club or organization advisor. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member Form an executive team.
  • Complete the form pack and return it to Student Affairs.
  • It will take up to 10 working days for the club to be approved. Once the club has been approved or denied the Student Affairs Department will contact the president to inform him/her of the status of the club/organization.

Office Bearers Roles and Responsibilities

Positions: President, Vice President, Treasure, Secretary

Responsibilities of President:
  • Oversee club, members and managerial staff
  • Manages sub-categories of clubs (if any)
  • Organizes and attends at least 1 activity per semester
  • Creates an agenda for each meeting
  • Attends monthly club meeting with Student Affairs
  • Responsible for the safety of all members.
  • When activities are outside, president makes all participants sign the Activities
  • After each event, the president has 24 hours to turn in these forms to the Student Affairs office
Responsibilities of Vice President:
  • Assists the president with duties
  • Stands-in for President at meeting when he/she cannot attend
  • Make sure surveys are conducted for each event
  • Assists with managing club activities
  • Takes attendance
  • Review meeting agenda
  • Writes Reports
Responsibilities of the Treasurer
  • Responsibility for maintaining all club dues and budget issues
  • Fill out expense Request form to purchase the requirements of club activities
  • Assist with fund raising activities
  • Makes and has approved flyers and other promotional material
  • Writes blogs of club events and sends to the Student Affairs department within 24 hours
Responsibilities of the Secretary
  • Keep record minutes for all the meetings
  • Records minutes for all the meetings
  • Files all meeting information as instructed (agenda, meeting minutes, location and time)
  • Coordinates events: overseeing the sign-in and evaluations

During the course of the year, administrators, faculty and/or staff will be asked to serve as an advisor for a student club or organization. Before accepting the role of an advisor, the faculty, staff or administrator should study the policies and discuss with Dean and Principal. Once an agreement is reached with a faculty or staff member to serve as an advisor, the club or organization should have him/her sign the Application for Recognition as an Approved Student Club/Organization form.

Advisor’s Expectations

  • Advisors are expected to guide the organization and to serve as a mentor to the leadership in planning and implementing meetings, events and activities.
  • Advisors must have knowledge of and approve all organizational activities, events, and expenditures.
  • Advisors need to ensure that plans for any activity or event conform to all college policies and procedures.
  • Advisors are expected to be in attendance at organizational functions.
  • An advisor may advise more than one registered organization/club at a time.

Planning And Approvals For Club Events/Activities

  • The executive club committee must approve of the event
  • The staff incharge of the student club must approve the event
  • Prepare a document including agenda,budget,proposed outcome for the Event .
  • All documents must be submitted to dean student affairs
  • If any documents are missing this may result I the event not being approved
  • Final approval will come from the Principal
  • No activity should be carried out without getting the final approval from the Principal
  • The president of the club will be notified if the event has been approved or not

Before an Event

  • Plan an agenda for the event and sent to the Student Affairs Department for approval
  • Advertise the event
  • Print a Club Event Sign-in Sheet and Event feedbackSurvey
  • If the event is off campus- send necessary documents
  • During Event
  • Provide an agenda for the event
  • Make sure attendees sign the Club Event Sign-in Sheet
  • Host the event
  • Take picture during the event
  • Pass out the Event Evaluation Survey to all attendees before the event ends

After Event

  • Within 24 hours of the event, complete the Event Report
  • Submit the Club Event Sign-in Sheet, Event Evaluation Surveys, Excel Spreadsheet of Evaluation Results, Event Report Template and pictures to the Student Affairs Department within 48 hours of the event.
Records to be Maintained
  • Meetings with meeting agendas and minutes
  • List of activities with documents, sign-up sheets, and survey evaluations
  • Changes to the executive team.
  • All documents should have Club logo and name, date, and event/meeting title.

Teaching and Learning Center

About the TLC

Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) was shaped to move, bolster and fortify new headings in instructional method and learning at Dr.N.G.P.Arts and Science College. The job of TLC is that of a facilitator and an associates.

Places for educating and gaining are moving endlessly from acquainting faculties with innovation and rather concentrating on helping educators improve their courses in an assortment of ways.

TLC may also offer longer workshops or formal courses on graduate supervision theory and practice. Workshops may provide instruction in newer teaching techniques, by introducing techniques to instructors and/or helping them to better implement these methods, as well as helping them to make more effective use of traditional methods such as lectures and lecture-discussion formats. Newer or more student-centered techniques might include,

  • Group activities
  • Active learning or cooperative learning
  • Problem based learning
  • Discovery based learning
  • Experiential learning, or Non-traditional learning
  • Portfolios and formative assessment techniques

Orientation workshops can also introduce teaching skills as well as other necessary information for newer faculty members.

The TLC encourages

  • Groundwork for studio units and courses through organized workshops.
  • Sharing of good showing rehearses among faculties.
  • Development in showing strategies by collaborating with faculties.
  • Workforce advancement through web based learning assets and friend learning.
  • Encourage FDP for faculty improvement and companion learning.
  • Arrange functional workshops for teaching assistants and associates.

Digital Education Tools for Teachers and Students

In the new time of learning, innovation assumes a primary job in the procedures of showing students. Here are some of the apparatuses that encourage correspondence among instructors and understudies, in addition to other things.

ICT Tools

  • BookWidgets -Worksheets, simulations, games & more for use in classrooms and multi-touch books
  • Classkick - Easy real-time feedback & formative assessment.
  • Classmarker - Easy online testing
  • Classtools - Several classtools of any kind
  • Deck.Toys - In a nutshell: drag-and-drop Lesson creation; differentiate the right way; full control over your lesson delivery and track your students’ progress in real-time
  • Educaplay - Create numerous interactive games with instant feedback
  • Flipgrid - Create a Grid - that’s your classroom or community. Add a Topic or two to spark the discussion. Your students share short video responses to ignite a dialogue. Super simple. Super powerful.
  • Flubaroo - Assess and evaluate student's work/progress online
  • Formative - A free platform for creating formative assessments + acting on real-time student insights
  • - The tool for creating interactive content that makes your audience fall in love. Communicate, educate, and attract by bringing your content to life.
  • Gimkit - Students earn in-game cash by answering questions correctly. They can invest this money while playing an interactive game.
  • Google Forms - Easy for quizes, evaluations or questionnaires
  • Goosechase - Scavenger hunts for the masses. Bold, crazy and highly addictive. Incredibly easy to use with all the power you could ever want.
  • Gynzy - Gynzy is de totaaloplossing voor in jouw klas. Interactieve instructie, adaptieve gepersonaliseerde verwerking en rijke analysemogelijkheden in één.
  • H5P - Create, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content in your browser.
  • JeopardyLabs - allows you to create a customized jeopardy template without PowerPoint
  • Kahoot - Interactive and motivational quiz
  • Learnclick - Create online cloze quizzes. Simply mark words to turn them into gaps, dropdown or drag & drop quizzes.
  • Lightsail - Formative testing, Lightsail Accelerates Literacy Development And Fosters A Love Of Reading
  • MasteryConnect - Identify levels of understanding, target students for intervention, and improve learning and instruction.
  • Plickers - Plickers is a powerfully simple tool that lets teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices
  • Poll Everywhere - Live interactive audience participation. Engage your audience or class in real time
  • Purpose Games - Quizzes and knowledge games - topic specific
  • Quizalize - Create your own quizzes in 1 minute or pick one from our growing Marketplace.
  • Quizbean - A quiz creator to quickly assess your students
  • Quizlet - Flashcards, study games, and tests
  • Quizizz - Quizizz is a fun review tool that allows the entire class to practice together. Its completely free
  • Quizstud - QuizStud is an online platform where everybody can design and play their own exciting quizzes and where large groups of players can answer the multiple choice questions with their smartphone or tablet.
  • Socrative - Online quiz where the teacher can keep track of all students' progress
  • SurveyMonkey - Create Surveys, Get Answers
  • Voxvote - Free and easy Mobile Voting tool for ANY speaker or teacher.
Lesson Series
  • BookWidgets - Worksheets, simulations, games & more for use in classrooms and multi-touch books
  • GoConqr - Create Your Own Personal Learning Environment With Access to over 3 Million Crowd Sourced Resources.
  • Gooru - Give your students free tools, digital content, and data to own their learning.
  • ReadWriteThink - Providing educators, parents, & afterschool professionals with free access to the highest quality materials for reading & language arts instruction.
  • Schoolrijk - Met Schoolrijk ontwikkel je zelf online lesmateriaal op basis van de vakken en leerdoelen uit het basisonderwijs.
  • Showbie - Showbie is the fastest, easiest and most effective app for assignments and feedback on your classroom devices.
  • TesTeach - Creating digital lessons
  • Thiemo - Iedere docent kan een sidekick gebruiken. Thiemo ondersteun leraren door een gevarieerd lesaanbod dat past bij het lesboek en jouw manier van lesgeven. Geen gedoe, veel variatie.
  • Wikiwijsleermiddelenpleinen - Create your own lesson series online
Creative creations
  • BlendedPlay Blended games for the classroom using your content.
  • Canva - Canva makes design simple for everyone. Create designs for Web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more.
  • - Create a multimedia infographic
  • Infogram - Create and publish beautiful visualizations of your data in charts and infographics. Interactive, responsive, and engaging.
  • Piktochart - Create a multimedia infographic
  • Pixton - The world's best way to make comics
  • ScribbleMap - The Easiest Way to Draw and Share Maps
  • Storybird - Easily create your own book
  • Wordle - Create a 'poster' (word cloud) out of words
  • Venngage - Everything you need to create and publish infographics is right here.
  • - One intuitive tool for all of your visual communication needs.
  • Vizualize - Visualize your resume in one click
Online collaboration
  • Asana - Asana is the easiest way for teams to track their work—and get results.
  • Edmodo - The safest and easiest way for educators to connect and collaborate with students, parents, and each other.
  • Google Docs - Work on the same document at the same time
  • Google Slides - Work on the same presenation at the same time
  • Google Spreadsheets - Work on the same spreadsheet at the same time
  • MeisterTask- MeisterTask is the most intuitive task management tool on the web. Combine it with MindMeister for a complete workflow from first idea to finished project.
  • Seesaw - Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio. We make it simple to get student work in one place and share with parents.
  • Stoodle - Stoodle makes it easy to learn from and teach fellow peers online.
  • Talky - Truly simple video chat and screen sharing for groups.
  • Buncee - Make Learning Fun Your creation and presentation tool
  • Google Slides - Work on the same presenation at the same time
  • Lesson Up - Create fun and engaging digital lessons
  • Mentimeter - Create graphics at an instant using students' input
  • Nearpod - Create interactive slideshows, using questions, quizzes, images & text.
  • Peardeck - Create beautiful interactive lessons, presentations, and assessments to engage every student
  • Prezi - Create an online slideshow
  • Prowise - Together we can create a learning environment which is more engaging and inspiring and elevate collaboration in your schools.
  • SlideShare - Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more
  • Sutori - Presentations for the classroom in a unique timeline format
  • Wooclap -Rather than fighting smartphones, Wooclap turns them into an exceptional learning tool.
  • Animaker - Animaker is home to the largest collection of animated characters, properties, BGs, icons, charts and maps in the world.
  • Binumi - The world’s first curriculum-linked video assignment tool – assign video projects with a single click
  • Biteable - The World’s Simplest Video Maker
  • ChatterPix - ChatterPix can make anything talk - pets, friends, doodles, and more (iPad only)
  • Clipchamp - Clipchamp offers a free video editor, compressor, converter and webcam recorder. Get started today.
  • DoInk - Do Ink provides Creativity Apps (Green Screen, Animation and Drawing) for students to show what they know in education
  • EDpuzzle - Make any video your lesson.
  • Educreations - Create educational videos (iPad only)
  • GoNoodle - Discover hundreds of videos that get your kids active at school and at home.
  • Masher - Mix your photos, music, text and special effects to create professional looking videos in minutes.
  • PlayPosit - Deliver video like you teach. Your free tool to unleash the power of video and flip the classroom.
  • Powtoon - Animated videos and presentations
  • Shadow Puppet - Easily create videos in the classroom.
  • TedEd - Build a lesson around any TED-Ed Original, TED Talk or YouTube video.
  • Toondoo - Create your own cartoons very quickly
  • Voki - Speaking characters for education. Educate, engage, enjoy!
  • Answer garden - Allows students to give answers which will show on the teacher's screen
  • ChartGo - The online chart maker. Create rich and colorful charts.
  • Coggle - The clear way to share complex information. Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping tool that helps you make sense of complex things.
  • Huzzaz - The place to showcase, discover and collect the videos that matter most
  • Lino it - Create and share canvases with post-its and other online tools
  • Mindomo - Easy-to-create and share mind maps, concept maps, task maps and outlines. Mind mapping software for Web, Desktop, iOS and Android. Mind map with us for free!
  • Note App- Bring sticky notes to your team, in real time.
  • Padlet - Create a poster/brainstorm online
  • Popplet - To capture and organise ideas (similar to mind maps)
  • Postermywall - Enables students to create an interactive poster
  • Tagxedo - Word clouds in various interesting shapes
  • Thinglink - Enables students to create an interactive poster
  • Timeglider - Web-based timeline software for creating and sharing history, project planning and more
  • Timetoast - Timetoast timelines are a beautiful way to share the past, or even the future.
  • Trello - Work together on a brain storm, using decks of cards/lists
  • XMind Amazing brainstorm and mind mapping tool
  • CoboCards - The best online flashcard software. For Free.
  • Cram - Find flashcards to study or create your own
  • Learningpod - Targeted practice questions for student success.
  • Studyblue - Provides intelligent learning tools including flashcards, notes, study guides and more
  • Vocabulary - Acquire vocab easily
  • WRTS - Study vocabulary easily and effectively
  • Class123 - The best tool for classroom management and flipped classroom. Start buliding a happy classroom community!
  • Classdojo - Assigns each student a 'monster' and enables keeping track of behaviour/homework/activities.
  • ClassroomScreen - The best screen for every classroom
  • Delicious - Save, organize, and remember the links you find interesting or useful around the web
  • Diigo - Diigo is a powerful research tool and a knowledge-sharing community
  • Evernote - Capture, organize, and share notes from anywhere. Your best ideas are always with you and always in sync.
  • Exitticket - Een concreet en effectief instrument bij feedback geven is de exit ticket. Exit Tickets zijn bedoeld zijn om leerlingen te helpen reflecteren. De leerlingen benoemen wat zij geleerd hebben, moeilijk vinden of nodig hebben om verder te leren.
  • FeedbackFruits - Create interactive study materials (video/document/audio/presentation) and assess student engagement within your LMS
  • HP Reveal- Turn everyday objects, images, and places into new opportunities for engagement through striking augmented reality experiences.
  • iRubric- iRubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool.
  • PDF Pro - Our PDF editor online tools allow you to create, convert and edit PDF documents for free online. Create PDFs in one click and convert PDFs to Word and image formats instantly.
  • Penzu - Your private, 100% customizable online journal. Loved by over 2 million writers around the world.
  • Remind - Reach students and parents where they are. Simple, safe, and free.
  • RubiStar - RubiStar is a free tool to help teachers create quality rubrics.
  • Super Teacher Tools - Useful tools that can be used during your lesson
  • Synth - Empower student and teacher voice by making it easier than ever to listen to each other and build conversations in bytes.
  • Voicethread - A tool that allows you to send voice messages as opposed to texts, to keep messages personal.
  • - Amaze your students with smarter worksheets.
  • WolframAlpha - A new way to get knowledge and answers—not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.