Big data and Big Insight Club

Club Objectives

  • Kindle interest among the students for big data and related topics
  • Providing opportunities and resources for students to explore their interest.
  • Develop skills in data science regardless of their background and field of study.
  • Establishing a bridge between our student community and big data professionals.
  • Enhance the students’ knowledge in par with current trends in computing


Chairman Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran, Principal, Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College
Convener Dr. D. Geetha Ramani, Dean - Academic Affairs
Coordinator Dr. P. Revathi, Head, Commerce with Banking and Insurance
Staff Co-ordinators

Mrs. S.Rekha, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology

Student Office Bearers

President: S.Pavithran, I B.Sc IT-A

Vice President: M.Naveen, I B.Com CS CA-A

Treasurer: M. Harshawarthan, I B.Sc CS-B

Secretary: E.Srinithi, I B.Com PA-B

Club Activites



Resource Person

Description of the Event

1 19.12.2020 Mr.R.Anjit Raja
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science with Cognitive Systems
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College
Club Inauguration
2 19.12.2020 Mr.R.Anjit Raja
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science with Cognitive Systems
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College.
Hand on Session Big Data Analytics for Beginners
3 26.12.2020 Dr. R.Rajeswari
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Technology
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College.
Predictive Analysis on Big Data
4 09.01.2021 - Registered in MOOC
Cognitive Class/Bigdata101
5 23.01.2021 Dr.R.Nithya,
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Technology
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College.
XML, JSON and CSV formats:
What does the future look like?
6 30.01.2021 - Top 10 Visualization Tools
Video Lecture
7 20.02.2021 - Categorize data from the given website
1.Web archive
2. Wind Sensor network
8 27.02.2021 Mrs.S.Rekha
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College.
How to Excel the various dataset using pivot chart
9 06.03.2021 Mrs.S.Rekha
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College.
How to Excel the various dataset using pivot chart
10 10.04.2021 Mrs.S.Rekha
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
Dr. N. G. P Arts and Science College.
Hands-On Training Data Visualization with Python for Beginners
11 17.04.2021 - Career Oriented in IT Sector How to get a job in Big Data
12 25-05-2021 Mr. Nishanth Sakthivel,
Senior Operation Executive,
Machine Learning for Beginners
13 27-05-2021 Mrs. M. Sailaja,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
St. Francis de Sales College, Bangalore.
A Journey from Data to Analytics
14 28-05-2021 Mr. P. Sathish Kumar,
Associate-RPA Developer, CTS, Chennai.
Robotic Processing Automation
15 04-06-2021 K.Vijayakumari,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Selvamm Arts and Science College, Namakkal.
Block Chain Technology
16 05-06-2021 Dr. A. Prema Kirubakaran,
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science,
School of Computing Science, VISTAS, Chennai.
Design and Architecture of IoT

