NGP Arts NGP Arts

National Cadet Corps

Introduction to NCC

National Cadet Corps was started on 21 July 2023 at our college. The raising ceremony of the NCC Army Unit was inaugurated by Col. Emmanuel Tamang Officer Commanding, 2 (TN) CTC NCC, Coimbatore. The presidential address was delivered by Dr.Nalla G. Palaniswami, Chairman, Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore. The felicitation address was delivered by Dr.Thavamani D. Palaniswami, Secretary, Dr.N.G.P. Educational Institutions, Coimbatore, Mrs. Mathura V. Palaniswami, Director - Academy for Professional Development, Dr. N.G.P. Educational Institutions, Dr. O.T. Buveneswaran, CEO, Kovai Medical Centre Research & Educational Trust, Coimbatore participated in the raising ceremony. The heads of the Department, faculty members, and students also participated in this event. Dr. S. Saravanan, Principal i/c Dr.N.G.P. Arts and Science College delivered the vote of thanks. CTO Dr. K. Vishnu Gobal Organized this rising ceremony function and made it a great success.

About NCC

The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its head Quarters at New Delhi. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis. The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course but are given preference over normal candidates during selections based on the achievements in the corps.

Motto: Unity and Discipline

Aims of NCC
  • To develop character, courage, comradeship, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizens.
  • To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life including the armed forces and make it available for the service of nation.
  • To create suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the armed forces and make it available for the service of the nation.
Oath of NCC

I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that I will abide by the rules and the regulations of the national cadet corps. Further, under the command and control of my commanding officers will participate in every camp most sincerely and most wholeheartedly.

DG's Four Cardinals of Discipline
  • Obey with a smile.
  • Be Punctual.
  • Work hard and without fuss.
  • Make no excuses and tell no lies.
Organisation of NCC
NCC Flag

NCC Flag Contains NCC Crest in gold in the middle, with the letters "NCC" encircled by a wreath of seventeen lotus with a background in Red, Blue and Light blue. Red depicts the Army; Deep Blue depicts the Navy and Light Blue depicts the Air Force. The seventeen lotuses represent the 17 State Directorates. "Unity of Discipline" (Ekta aur Anushasan) is written at the bottom of the NCC Flag.


Cadets will be selected in NCC based upon their Physical fitness, Knowledge, Ability and their determination. Selected cadets will undergo 3 years training and they will be taught on various related in infantry subjects, which includes

  • Introduction to map and conventional signs
  • Scaless
  • Topographical forms and technical termss
  • The grid systems
  • Relief contours and gradientss
  • Cardinal points and finding norths
  • Type of bearings and use of service protractors
  • Prismatic compass, its use and introduction to GPSs
  • Setting a map, finding own position and norths
  • Map to grounds
  • Ground to maps
  • Point to point marchs
Cadets will also be taught the below mentioned areas of field and battle craft:
  • Description of ground
  • Observation and concealment
  • Judging distance
  • Recognition, description and indication of targets
  • Field signal
  • Section formation
  • Fire and movement
  • Section battle drill
  • Fire control orders
  • Types and conduct of patrols

Drill, shooting, Physical fitness, map reading, first aid, Gliding/Flying, boat pulling, sailing and camp training covering basic of military training in Army, Navy and Air Force.

This training is mostly carried out in schools and colleges by the cadets. In addition, depending upon the type of service, basic knowledge of that service is imparted to the cadets e.g gliding, powered flying for Air Wing cadets and boat pulling, sailing for Naval Wing cadets form part of institutional training. These activities comprise approximately 50% of the entire syllabus.

This is the most imp aspect of NCC Trg and hence great emphasis on institutional Trg to be given. State DDG's to issue comprehensive instructions on organizing the Institutional Trg at GP / Unit level.

Following actions will be taken to improve the standard of Trg

  • Optimum utilization of PI Staff for Trg.
  • Greater involvement of Offers, WTLO's and ANO's.
  • Deficiencies in Trg aids will be made up expeditiously.

Basic Training


Cadets must be made to understand the aim and purpose of teaching drill, so that they are suitably motivated and do not take it as "fatigue". Emphasis will be laid on correct bearing, marching, saluting and arms drill. Inter-squad competitions may be organized to create interest.

Weapon Training

Cadets generally take keen interest in wpn trg and firing. Units must liaise with nearby Service and Para-Military Units to ensure that all cdts get an opportunity to fire their authorized amn. Use of firing simulators may be made to optimize trg efforts where possible.

Adventure Training

Adventure activities have been incorporated in NCC training with the aim of inculcating and strengthening leadership traits amongst the cadets. These activities in NCC can be broadly divided into the following.

  • Land based - Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Trekking.
  • Water based - Sailing Expedition, White Water Rafting, Scuba Diving, River Crossing
  • Air based - Parasailing

Certification Programmme


The eligibility conditions and the general procedure for the conduct of the Certificate Examination for Cadets of Senior and Junior Division/Wings NCC (All wings) have been issued by this HQ from time to time. The aim of this Directive is to consolidate all such instruction and revise these, where necessary.

Type of Examination

The type of Certificate Examination and the unit in which these are held are given below

Type of Certificate NCC Unit
NCC Certificate 'B'& 'C' Senior Division/Wing NCC
Eligibilities for Certificate Examination

For "B" Certificate Examination (Senior Division)

  • The Cadet must be in second year of SD/SW NCC Training.
  • Must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC/Attachment training with regular Army, Navy, Air Force Units.
  • Cadets possessing 'A' Certificate will be awarded 10 bonus marks.
  • The cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of total training period laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years for Senior Division Wing NCC (All Wings). Break in the NCC service of the cadet SD/SE prior to appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge to count his service for Certificate 'B' Examination. In case the break exceeds 18 months the following procedure will be adopted.
  • If he had been on the unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total periods during his NCC service he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for certificate 'B' Examination. In all other cases where above conditions are not fulfilled, the cadet must attend a minimum 75% periods of the first and second years of training.
  • An Air Wing Cadet must do a minimum of 10 Glide launches.

For "C" Certificate Examination (Senior Division)

  • Cadet must have passed 'B' certificate.
  • The Cadet must be in second/third year of SD/SW NCC Training
  • The Cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the periods of 3rd year syllabus during the academic session
  • Break in the NCC Service of the SD/SW Cadet prior to appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge to count his previous service for Certificate 'C' examination. In case the break exceeds 18 months, the following procedure will be adopted
  • If he had been on the Unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total period during his NCC service, he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for Certificate 'C' examination. In all other cases where above conditions are not fulfilled, the Cadet must attend a minimum of 75% periods of the first and second year of training
  • Must have attended two Camp
Permission to Appear in Certificate Examination after Discharge

Cadets who ceased to be on rolls of NCC may be permitted to appear for certificate 'A' Examination for Junior Division/Wing and 'B' &"C" for Senior Division/Wing NCC at their own expenses within a period of 12 months of their discharge from the NCC, provided they were otherwise eligible at the time of their discharge.

The ex-cadet so eligible can appear for the examination at any place in India by applying for the same, alongside with discharge certificate, to Local Unit Commander. The Group Commander is empowered to accept such requests from the ex-cadets.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS):

A NCC cadet should have a minimum attendance of 40 hours per semester, totally, 160 hours for four semesters. Only then is she eligible for one credit point to be added towards her degree.

NCC Social Service Activities

NCC has adopted community development activities with the aim of imbibing amongst cadet’s selfless service to the community, dignity of labor importance of self-help, need to protect the environment and to assist weaker sections of the society in their upliftment. This was envisaged through programmes involving:

  • Adult-education
  • Tree plantation
  • Blood donation
  • Anti Dowry Rally
  • Anti Female Infanticide Pledge
  • Anti Leprosy Drive
  • AIDS Awareness Rally
  • Visit to Old Age Homes
  • Slum clearance
  • Disaster Management & Relief
  • Village upliftment and various other social schemes.

NCC Activities

Activites (2023-24)

S. No. Date Title Resource Person



Raising of NCC Army Unit

Col. Emmanuel Tamang

Commanding Officer, 2 (TN) CTC NCC, Coimbatore



Organ Donation Awareness Life after Life

Dr. Viswa Kumar Prabhakaran

Consultant Hepatopancreatic Biliary and Multiorgan Transplant Surgeon, KMCH, Coimbatore



Millet Awareness Cycle Rally

Dr.O.T. Buvaneswaran,




Tree Plantation Programme

Mr. Balakrishnan IPS

Commissioner of Police, Coimbatore.



World Tourism Day Awareness Rally

2 TN ARTY BTY NCC Coimbatore



Puneet Sagar Abhiyan

NCC Students

Job Opportunities

Vacancies Reserved for NCC Cadets in Armed Forces

Indian Army
  • Indian Military Academy, Dehradun-64
  • Officers Training Academy, Chennai-100
(For Short Service Commission)
  • Indian Naval Academy-6 per course
  • Indian Air force academy -10% in all courses

DIRECT ENTERY in the ARMED FORCE (No entrance exam, Direct SSB for Cadets holding ‘C’ certificate)

Incentives given to cadets during recruitment in other organizations


For OR/Sailors/Airmen

Bonus marks/ weightage/ preference given in the recruitment


Para-Military Forces : BSF/CISF/ITBP/Coastal Guard

Bonus marks/ weightage/ preference given in the recruitment.


Ministry of Telecommunications
Department of Telecommunications

Bonus marks/weightage/ preference given in the recruitment.



NCC 'B'/'C' Certificate holders are considered eligible for recruitment to gazette posts.


NCC 'C' certificate

NCC 'C' certificate holders are given preference in the recruitment of Civilian Gliding Instructors/ Girl Cadet Instructors/ NCC Whole Time Lady Officers and Aero/Ship Modeling Instructors


State Governments

Preference given to the NCC Cadets in State Government Services including Police.



Sahara India and many other top industries pick up NCC cadets possessing 'C' certificate for various jobs in their companies.


Government of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission while selecting candidates to the post in civil services which are under its purview takes into consideration, the NCC ‘C’ Certificates possessed by the candidates.


Government of Pondicherry

NCC 'A'/'B'/'C' certificate holders are given preference in selection to various posts in all Departments, especially in Police force.


Lt.Dr.K.Vishnu Gobal

Associate NCC Officer
Assistant Professor in English
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

+91 95007 23434

