Event Management Club

Club Objectives

  • Planning an event for the occasion
  • Training them to perform an effective MOC
  • Volunteering students in our college activities
  • Giving them the opportunity to conduct an event
  • Pre and post work preparation in workshops / guest lectures / conferences etc.
  • Organizing invited lectures by experts


Chairman Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran, Principal, Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College
Convener Dr. D. Geetha Ramani, Dean - Academic Affairs
Coordinator Dr. P. Revathi, Head, Commerce with Banking and Insurance
Staff Co-ordinators

Mrs.S.Manimekalai, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

Ms.S.Ishwarya, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (IB)

Mr.R.Mayilsamy, Assistant Professor, Department of B.Com (PA)

Student Office Bearers

S.Nithish kumar - III B.SC CT A

Joint Secretaries:
Sathish. P – III B.SC CT A
Swetha. B- III B.SC CT A

Laleethkumar. L- III B.SC CT A
Santhoshkumar. S- III B.SC CT A

Executive Members:
Adhisankar. S – III B.Sc CT A
Rajesh. R - II B.Sc Chemistry
Rahesh. R- II B.Com A & T
Srimathi.S- II B.Com BPS
Supriya.M- II B.Com Bps
Pravitha.P-I I B.ComBps

Club Activites (2021-22)



Resource Person

Description of the Event

No of students attended

1 23-04-2022 Dr.Maheshwari D Guest Lecture on “Time Management and Team Building” 87
2 09-04-2022 Dr.Manimekalai S, Dr. R.Mayilsamy Office bearers selection 110
3 26-03-2022 Dr.Manimekalai S, Dr. R.Mayilsamy Event Management Orientation 112

Archive (2018-21)
