Ramanujam Club

Club Objectives

  • Introduce math in creative and innovative ways.
  • To orient the members about basic mathematical concepts and skills.
  • To develop critical thinking.
  • To learn concept of Vedic mathematics.
  • To conduct rally for motivation program to school students.
  • Motivate students to develop positive attitude towards mathematics enhance cognitive development of through puzzles./li>


Chairman Prof. Dr. V. Rajendran, Principal, Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College
Convener Dr. D. Geetha Ramani, Dean - Academic Affairs
Coordinator Dr. P. Revathi, Head, Commerce with Banking and Insurance
Staff Co-ordinators

Dr. M.Sangeetha, Associate Professor, Dept of Mathematics

Mrs. A.Sathyakala, Assistant Professor, Dept of Mathematics

Student Office Bearers

President: Mythily.M, II M.ScMaths

Vice President: Rathibharathi.S, III B.ScMaths

Treasurer: Sindhu.P, I B.Com CA - A

Secretary: Udhayashri S, I B.SC Micro

Club Activites (2020-21)



Resource Person

Description of the Event

No of students attended

1 26/12/2020 Dr.R.Sowrirajan,
Head of the Department, Mathematics,Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college
Orientation Program about club with Create interest and opportunity about Maths 43
2 09/01/2021 Club Co- Ordinator, Dr.M.Sangeetha,
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college
Short cut tricks for Multiplication and division 49
3 04-01-2021 Dr.M.Sangeetha,
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college
Celebration of Ramanujam birthday -Short film about History of Ramanujan 20
4 30/1/2021 Club Co- Ordinator, Dr.M.Sangeetha
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college
Vedic Maths Easiest method to do complex multiplications quickly using Mental maths. 48
5 24.05.2021 Dr.R. Pandiya Raj
Assistant Professor, Dept of Mathematics, Govt college of Engineering, Bodinayackanur
Combinatorics and Probability 39
6 26.05.2021 Dr.Renuka
Assistant Professor, Govt Arts and science, college for women, Bargur.
Self Motivation during Pandemic Period 45
7 28.05.2021 Dr.S.Kokila
Assistant Professor, V.V.Vanniaperumal, College for women, Virudhunagar.
CSIR NET&SET Exam in Mathematics 43
8 02.06.2021 Dr.P.Rajarajeswari
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Chikkanna Govt Arts college
Career opportunities after graduation 43
9 03.06.2021 K.Saravanan,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, KPR Institute of technology
Career opportunities after graduation 43
10 07.06.2021 Dr.Anuratha,
Assistant Professor, M D S D Girls College, Ambala City, Haryana.
Body Language 56
11 08.06.2021 R.Soundarya,
Assistant professor, Dept. of Mathematics,Kerala
Advanced level of Statistics in SPSS package 55
12 16.09.2021 SIP-Dr.M.Sangeetha,
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college
Introduction to Club 58
13 17.09.2021 SIP-Mrs.A.Sathyakala,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics Dr.N.G.P. Arts and science college
Create interest and self Motivation 56

Archive (2018-19)
