Calendar & Handbook Committee


Chairman Principal
Convener Dr.S.Saravanan,
Dean - Admin

Mr. A. David,
Commerce (PA)


Dr. P. Sakthivel,
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor

Mr. M. R. Chandrasekar,
Assistant Professor

Ms.K.Mohana Priya,
Assistant Professor

Mr. R. Rukmathan,
Assistant Professor

Mrs. S. Sudha,
Assistant Professor


Roles & Responsibilities

  • Obtaining quotations from various vendors as per the guidelines of purchase committee
  • Obtaining inputs from all deans relevant to their portfolio
  • Obtaining details from different cells and clubs about events
  • Discussion with HoDs to finalise the events
  • Obtaining faculty wise activity plan from departments
  • Communicating the approval to printing press to initiate the work
  • Obtaining information of academic calendar from office of the CoE
  • Obtaining updated staff qualification from each department
  • Obtaining updated qualifications of non teaching staff from administrative office
  • Communicating with printing press about calendar details
  • Making corrections in the contents and finalizing wrapper design of the calendar and handbook
  • Receiving the soft copy of the calendar and handbook from printing press
  • Uploading the soft copy of the calendar and handbook in college website
  • Receiving the hard copy of the college calendar and handbook from printing press
  • Issuing calendar and handbook to students based on the indent received from departments

Tenure of the Committee

Tenure of the committee will be three consecutive academic years.

Periodicity of the Meeting

The committee will meet twice in a semester.

Minutes of Meeting

Admission Registration

  +91 422 236 9251 / 252
+91 94897 92828 / 3838
