NGP Arts

Department of Computer Science with Cognitive Systems


The Department of Computer Science with Cognitive Systems was initiated in the year 2020 with the objective of understand how technological advancements impact society and the social, legal, ethical and cultural ramifications of computer technology and their usage. The course is pioneering in nature and it was started by having a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).

The curriculum of this collaborative degree program aims to ensure that the students graduating from the program not only know the core topics of Computer Science but also develop a positive reception of Mathematics and Cognitive Thinking. The students are also exposed to advance topics such as Big Data Analytics, Machine/Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Robotic Process Automation, Software Testing, DevOps etc. to make them industry ready at the end of three years of study.



3 Years






H.S.C. Passed


Graduates of the Department of Computer Science with Cognitive Systems will be recognized as innovative leaders in the fields of Cognitive Computing Systems through a precise curriculum of theory and laboratory practices that builds up the capacity to tackle computing issues, independently and in groups.


  • To contribute successfully to the significant national undertaking to deliver quality human asset in the information technology and related areas for sustainable development of the nation's IT and ITeS industry needs.
  • To provide our graduate students with an outstanding education, also to prepare them for beneficial careers in Industry, Academia, and Government and outfit them with the knowledge and abilities necessary to solve the multifaceted technological issues of present day society.
  • Empowering the people in rural and urban communities with computer education.

Department Activites (2024-25)

Guest Lecture/Invited Lecture

S. No. Date Name and Designation of the Resource Person Topic
1 05-Aug-24 Generative AI: The New Frontier in Digital Creation Mrs. Manjari Anandhan
Founder & CEO, Zhagaram Consulting Insights Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore

Department Activites (2023-24)

Guest Lecture/Invited Lecture

S. No. Date Name and Designation of the Resource Person Topic
1 30-Aug-23 Mr. Mohammed Ali
Head - Marketing, Twirltact Technology Solutions, Coimbatore
Recent Trends in IoT

Seminar / Workshop Conferences organized

S. No. Date Nature of the Event (Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop) Title of the Event Resource Person
1 05-Jan-24 ICSSR Sponsored Seminar IoT Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions for Social and Real-life Applications Prof. Dr. Manju Khari
School of Computer and System Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. P. Thiyagarajan
Dean – Research, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science (Cyber Security), Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu

Mr. Dinesh Paranthagan
Director, Hackup Technology Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
2 22-Dec-23 Workshop Interview Readiness Mr. Stephen Moses Dinakaran
Regional Head (BP), Academic Interface Program Tata Consultancy Service Ltd., Chennai
3 21-Jul-23 DST - SERB Sponsored National Seminar AI Solutions for Farmer Safety and Security in India Dr. M. BalaKrishnan
Principal Scientist, ICAR-NARRM, Hyderabad

Dr. M. Kalpana
Associate Professor (CS), Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore

Dr. V. Sowmiya
Assistant Professor, Amrita University, Coimbatore
4 08-Sep-23 Workshop Web Designing using PHP & My SQL Mr. R. Selvakumar
Senior Programmer, Macnus Solutions, Coimbatore

Student Development Programme

S.No Date Title Resource Person
1 21-Sep-23 UI/UX Design and Prototyping Mr. G. Venkatesan, II-B.Sc CSCs
Mr. M. Tamilselvan, II-B.Sc CSCs

Alumni Interaction

S.No Date Title Alumni
1 16-Dec-23 Career opportunities Ms. P. Keshika
Package App Development Associate, Accenture Coimbatore

Faculty Details

01. Professor & HOD
Dr. A. Nirmala
M. C. A., M. Phil., Ph. D.


Teaching: 22 years | Research: 18 Years


Image Processing

View Profile
02. Professor
Senthil Kumar
Dr. R.Senthil Kumar
MCA., M.B.A., Ph. D.


Teaching: 15.9 years | Research: 7 Years


Computer Networks, MANETs, IoT, Deep Learning

View Profile
03. Assistant Professor
MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.


Teaching: 16 years | Research: 14 years


Software Engineering, Computer Networks

View Profile
04. Assistant Professor
Sakthi Murugan
Dr.P.Sakthi Murugan
M.Sc., M.Phil., NET., Ph.D.


Teaching: 12.5 years | Research : 3 Years


Data Mining and Warehousing

View Profile
05. Assistant Professor
Mrs. S. Vishnupriya
M.Sc., B.Ed. (Pursuing)


Teaching - Nil | Industry - 6.7 Years


Software Testing

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06. Assistant Professor
Sowndharya Murugan
Mrs. M. Sowndharya
M.Sc., M.Phil., (Ph. D.)


Teaching: -


Cloud computing, Internet of Things

View Profile


The Curriculum is designed to attain the following learning goals which students shall accomplish by the time of their graduation:

  • To offer a sufficient core understanding about Computer Science and Cognitive based applications to the students.
  • Graduates will be engaged in a wide range of careers and/or graduate studies in computer science or related fields with a passion for lifelong learning.
  • Students able to complete successfully be able to computer program on their own. Sufficient programming skills will require the use of best practices.
  • To understand of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities of the computing profession.
  • Understand how technological advances impact society and the social, legal, ethical and cultural ramifications of computer technology and their usage.


On the successful completion of the program, the following are the expected outcomes.

PO Number PO Statement
P01 The graduates are relied upon to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic standards and software engineering hypothesis in displaying, plan and direct of trials just as information interpretation and analysis.
P02 Dissect an unpredictable computing issue and to apply principles of computing and other significant disciplines to recognize solutions.
P03 Graduates will create solid thinking aptitudes to empower them to take effective choices in key administration and promoting positions and get presented to bleeding edge improvements in computing technology innovations.
P04 Creating and executing solution based frameworks or potentially forms that address issues and additionally improve existing frameworks inside in a computing based industry.
P05 Implementation of cognitive-skill based solutions for the betterment of society keeping the environmental context in mind, be aware of professional ethics and be able to communicate effectively.

Department Achievements (2023-24)

Staff Recognitions

S.No Date Name of the Staff Nature of Recognition Organization / Institution
1 24-Jul-23 Dr. P. Sakthi Murugan Chief Guest Gobi Arts and Science College, Gobichettipalayam

Staff Participation

S.No Date Name of the Staff Event Organization / Institution
1 18-Dec-23 to 22-Dec-23 Dr. P.Sakthi Murugan International Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Modern Research Convergence in Next Generation Computing Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore



Dr. A. Nirmala

Two weeks FDP-International Virtual FDP on Innovation Research Opportunities and Applications of Data Science in the Industry 5.0 Paradigm

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai



Dr. P. Sakthi Murugan

A Two Day NAAC Collaborated National Virtual Seminar on Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach Towards National Higher Education Quality Framework

Cauvery College for Women, Thiruchy



Dr. A. Nirmala

Six Days International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Recent trends on Research Methodologies, Tools and Techniques

KG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore



Dr. P. Sakthi Murugan

National Level FDP on Generative AI and Cyber Security

REVA University, Bengaluru



Dr. P. Sakthi Murugan

Nine Days National Level Workshop on DEVOPS

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai



Dr. P. Sakthi Murugan

FDP-International Webinar Series on Research Tools and Methodologies

Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore

Students Participation

S.No Date Name of the Student(s) Event Organization / Institution Prize won
1 13-Sep-23 Yogavarshini G, Reshma S, Sreesha G, Dhaksha S, Arunakavi R, Vipin C One Day National Seminar on Futuristic AI & Open-Source Software Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
2 14-Sep-23 Akash B, Raja Guru E Software Contest Gobi Arts and Science College, Gobichettipalayam II

Staff Publication

S.No Name of the Faculty Title Journal Name ISSN / ISBN No., Date of publishing, Vol. No. Impact Factor Indexed in (SCI/WoS/UGC/SSCI/Scopus)
1 Dr. R.Senthil Kumar Quantum Computing – A Tech Story International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 11 | Nov 2023 8.226 -
2 Dr. A.Nirmala Survey on Blockchain - Applications, Features and Challenges International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management ISSN: 2454-9150 Vol-09, Issue-10, Jan 2024 7.427 UGC

Staff Presentation

S.No Date Name of the Staff Name of the Event Title of Presentation Organization / Institution
1 05-Jan-24 Dr. A.Nirmala National Seminar on IOT Cyber Security: Challenges and Solutions for Social and Real- Life Applications Intelligent Defense: Advancing IOT Security through Machine Learning Innovations Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

Students Presentation

S.No Date Name of the Student Event Title of Presentation Organization / Institution
1 04-Jan-24 Lokeshwari J International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies A Review on Cyber Crime in Internet of Things Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore

News Letter

Admission Registration
