Digital Marketing Committee


Chairman Principal
Convener Dr.S.Saravanan,
Dean - Admin



In each department,one Faculty is incharge for forwarding their department activities in Whatsapp group. Faculty will be assinged by respective department HOD.


Roles & Responsibilities

  • Obtaining faculty wise event details from departments
  • Obtaining Invitations from departments
  • Obtaining details from all deans related events
  • Obtaining details from different cells and clubs about events
  • Publishing events in social media
  • Collecting post event short summary and photos from departments
  • Posting event reports and photos in social media
  • Collecting information required for digital marketing from the college
  • Communicating to the website committee for updation required for digital marketing in college website
  • Hosting all events in chronologically in the social media to improve the perception.
  • Involving in the activities of brand building in social media
  • Uploading short film of events in social media
  • Answering the queries of public in social media.
  • Uploading hoardings, hand outs and social advertisements in social media

Tenure of the Committee

Tenure of the committee will be Three Academic years.

Periodicity of the Meeting

The committee will meet twice in a semester.

Minutes of Meeting
