Purchase Committee



Madam Secretary

Chief Executive officer

Senior Administrative officer

Chairman Principal
Convener Dr.S.Saravanan,
Dean - Admin



HoDs Respective Department

Lab in charges of Respective Department


Roles & Responsibilities

  • Identify vendors/ suppliers of different equipment by the Head of the department.
  • Adding identified vendors in the list of approved vendors of the institution.
  • Identification of equipment with required specifications including make and model by lab in charge along with discussion of HoD.
  • Inviting quotations from approved list of vendors at competitive rates by the Head of respective department. Quotations should bear specifications, make, model, warranty, payment policy with terms and conditions.
  • Obtaining approval from Management for purchase of equipment using purchase request form along with quotations.
  • Preparing comparative statement of the quotations received from approved vendors by HoDs of respective department.
  • Discussing the purchase of equipment by purchase committee using Comparative statement.
  • Identifying prominent vendors and inviting for demonstration/presentation.
  • Selecting three suitable vendors based on satisfaction of make, model, warranty, price, terms and conditions of payment.
  • Negotiating the price with vendors in presence of purchase committee members.
  • Placing purchase order after approval of Management and CEO (Regular purchase/Principal (Project purchase).
  • The finalized vendor will be approved by the Management. After management’s approval, the purchase order shall be released by CEO.
  • In case of sponsored project, after approval of Management, the purchase order will be released by Principal.

Tenure of the Committee

Tenure of the Committee will be Three Academic years

Periodicity of the Meeting

The Committee will meet based on need

Minutes of Meeting

Admission Registration

  +91 422 236 9251 / 252
+91 94897 92828 / 3838
