Roles & Responsibilities
- Subject willingness
- Individual department subject allocation
- Allocation of lab hours
- Allocation of Part – I language hours (Tamil/Malayalam/French/Hindi)
- Finalizing the Allied Mathematics and Part – II English
- Allocation of Placement hours for II year UG programmes
- Allocation of aptitude discussion hours for I year UG programmes
- Respective core course hour allocation
- Allocation of library /HoD hours
- Allocation of Student’s/ Department Seminar hours and Guest Lectures
- Proportion of Saturday timetable for extension/club/cell activities
- Submitting the prepared timetable for scrutiny and approval
- Circulating the timetable to respective departments after approval
- Displaying on the notice board for student reference
- Review of the implementation and discuss if any in the timetable
Tenure of the Committee
Tenure of the committee will be Three Consecutive Academic years.
Periodicity of the Meeting
The Committee will meet twice in a semester on June/July and October/November in odd Semester. January/February and April/May in even semester and whenever required.